In 2022, I’m a second year medical student at Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Here are my complete journal entries and notes on the course, as well as observations on the Australian health system in general, as someone who works at a GP clinic and a Pharmacy.

  • Paediatrics Rotation in Fourth Year Medicine

    I am now well and truly almost 2/3rds of the way through medicine. In my fourth year of medicine this year, I had the pleasure of experiencing the rotation of Paediatrics for my first 9 week block. We had one week of orientation lectures, followed by 4 weeks at the Angliss Hospital and 4 weeks at Maroondah Hospital.

  • Tricks and Tips to parking at the Alfred

    Updated 27/10/2023

  • One week of placement at the Alfred

    It’s been one week of placement at The Alfred. Here are some of my thoughts and observations from my first experience in a hospital.

  • Year 2 Medicine at Monash University - an academic recap

    And so we have arrived at the end of the pre-clinical course at Monash University. A very short two years ago, we were babies in an adult worlds. Today, Christmas Day 2022, I am still but a child, still oblivious to the complexities of life, to the best ways to learn medicine and to what growing up is really about.

  • 'Rural' placement in Bendigo

    Y’know in primary school when we go on school camps. Every time we finished one of those, have some sort of sad sort of longing - for the memories we had but would never experience again, and also a sense of happiness about returning home to our families. That’s what I’m experiencing right now as I take the V-Line train home from Bendigo with a friend, after a week of ‘rural’ placement in Bendigo. I’m tired (4.5 hours of sleep last night) and doing an assignment on malaria (mosquitoes are the animal kingdom’s biggest killer of humans), but reflecting on the trip will give me some closure on what has been the longest time away from home that I’ve been.