I write on a range of categories which span my interests, including pretty academic stuff, and random stuff like film reviews and what I think of the ABC.


Read about my documentation of life, including primary school, the first year of the covid pandemic, and my various film reviews and gaming experiences


I had always wanted to be a train driver when I was younger, but now my destiny is to be a doctor. Check out my thoughts on the content and the course, as well as the perspective of a health worker.


A blog wouldn’t be a blog without opinion articles. Relatively uncontroversial I hope.


My complete guides to Latin and French. Vital Chinese healthcare phrases. Observations on the English language and the evolution of scripts. The importance of language learning. History of Medical Language. Medical Etymology Instagram Page: @medetymology


Furthermore, I’ve dabbled in programming language for a very long time. I’m still a novice but I’m hoping to gain skills that will help in medical research. I use python for Competitive Programming and Jekyll static site generator to build this blog. I made a guitar trainer using Javascript here